Confidence is a sensation to build and cultivate
Speaking in public is an art. Working on your body and on your voice, like a musician working on his instrument, is one of the key secrets to be charismatic as a speaker.
But what is charisma? It is the ability to capture and retain the attention of an audience. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a mere gift. It can be developed if built on the right foundations.
Posture, breathing, voice, gestures, eye-contact… All are natural physical foundations to presence and charisma. Yet they are not obvious to find when exposed to an audience!
Everything is a question of training.
To help you develop your charisma when speaking in public
With nearly fifteen years of experience as an international trainer in Public Speaking and vocal coach, I offer you an in-depth work to develop your Public Speaking skills, based on the fundamental techniques of stagecraft and rhetorical arts.
I propose to work around four main skillsets: establishing your presence (and managing your nerves), diversifying the use of your voice, adapting your strategies of communication (presenting in various cultural contexts for example) and managing your teams (please visit my Training programmes page for more information).
My objective? To provide a toolbox for you to develop the foundations of self-confidence. So that you can inspire trust to any audience in any circumstances, find your authentic voice and develop your own charisma.
Please click below to see my latest publication: the workbook “Je réussis mon Grand Oral du Bac” (Nailing my A-Level oral exam), co-written with Cyril Delhay and published by Hachette Education.